Quirky Indie Rock: The Top 8 Quirindock Songs in Recent History

Quirindock. It’s the newest, most hip, cool thing around. All the kids are talking about it. And I, anonymous 20 something, am the sole creator of this phenomenon. I created it about five minutes ago when I started writing this blog post, but don’t let that have underestimated its epic-ness. So, what is quirindock, you ask? Well young grasshopper, quirindock is a new genre of music influenced by some indie and rock artists with a little splash of quirk. Since I am the creator of this new, fast growing trend, I surprisingly am also the world’s expert on it too! (Who would have thought!) And with such great power as the queen of quirindock comes great responsibility. It is now on my shoulders, and my shoulders alone, to teach you everything there is to know about this new wave. And I will fulfill my innate duties in the form of a crash course of the top 8 quirky-indie-rock songs that can be found categorized under quirindock at your closest Newbury Comics and FYE. I present to you the following quirindock songs in no particular order. Enjoy!

You and I- Ingrid Michaelson

Even though her parents never bought a baby name book, Ingrid Ellen Egbert Michaelson, sure can belt a note or two. Coupled with her odd ball lyrics, no one who has ever heard Michaelson sing about the south of France and Sweaters without cracking a smile.

Superman- Five for Fighting

If you grew up in the 90’s and didn’t hear this song atleast once, you lived under a rock. Or in Antarctica where I hear radio frequencies don’t come in too clear. The point is Five for Fighting, AKA John Ondrasik hits Coldplay or U2 standards with his couple hit wonders, starting with this one. Fun Fact #1: Five for Fighting is an ice hockey term referring to a 5 minute penalty for starting a tussle.

She Loves You- The Beatles

So I know the title of this list is supposed to limit the songs to recent history, but it’s The Beatles. The rules do not apply to John, Paul, George and Ringo. If I am the founder of quirindock, the Beatles were my muse.

Pumpkin Soup- Kate Nash

The name of this song is Pumpkin Soup. And its good. Enough said. Redhead British singers really know how to put the quir in quirindock.

Drops of Jupiter- Train

Now usually singing along to a Train song requires hours of practice in a car or infront of the mirror with a hairbrush with Lyrics.com open in the background. But for some odd reason, Drops of Jupiter makes sense and comes straight from the soul and rolls of everyone’s tongues with ease.

My Moon, My Man- Feist

If the British lead in being weirdos, the Canadians aren’t too far behind. Feist’s smooth and sultry voice and beautiful yet puzzling lyrics make her irresistible. Fun fact #2: Feist, though a stage name, is also this artist’s last name make her officially known in legal documents as Leslie Feist.

The Show- Lenka

Quirindoc is an international phenomenon with singers from the US to Great Britain. And cupcake cute artist Lenka adds Australia to the growing list. Listening to this sweet artist sing makes you want to put her in your pocket and take her everywhere. But that would be creepy. So I suggest downloading her song on itunes and listening to it on your smartphones. It will be kind of a similar experience, I imagine.

When did your heart go missing?- Rooney

Finishing off this stellar list is Rooney with their shower singing worthy song about a missing heart. With a punk influence, Rooney adds more than character and charm to this list, but an all-around solid song that should be more readily listened to by all.  Fun Fact #3- Rooney is the only new aged boy band that I know where every band member has showtime ready, pantene pro-v locks.